The value of support ~ Sounds + Food 'n' Retail

The value of support

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I just started reading a series of essays, entitled "Wish I'd known: Insights and inspirations from the journeys of successful entrepreneurs." Do a search, and you'll find it for free online. One essay finishes with:

"I wish I'd started younger and wish I appreciated how much family and friends would support me beyond what was reasonable and fair. I wish I'd know it was OK to have fun and in so doing not taken myself so seriously—the journey is often superior to the destination."
Words to live by!

Last weekend, I wrote the acknowledgements for my thesis. The cherry on top, which I'd left for one of the last things to finish. And it would've been impossible to write it before anyhow, as even in the last lap there were/are people driving me on.

During the writing, one person died, another got terminal cancer. Both much too young and undeserving of such a fate. And both of whom I consider good friends, whom I trusted and who trusted me. In part it was the thoughts about them that prevented me from giving up.

But, strangely perhaps, it was also my little brother, just 19 years of age, that was unrelenting in pushing me forward and not letting me quit. It was as silly as him telling me 6 months ago, "I want you to finish this in three weeks," which got me to get my act together, perhaps taking longer than three weeks, but not stopping until I was done.

And it was all the people I interviewed for this study—my subjects, and ultimately my customers—all of whom unquestionably agreed to share their wisdom and whom I ultimately do it for.

It's only about a page worth of acknowledgements, but it is for the people on that page that I spent countless months writing, that I ultimately produced a 120 page-document for, and without whom I wouldn't be anywhere close to where I am today.

That… is the value of support and why nothing is impossible!

(No picture, as I found nothing that could do them justice)


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